Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Is COVID19 a Man Made Virus?

Dr. Dennis Carroll, former Director USAID's Pandemic Influenza and Emerging Threat Unit, during a live interview with Christine Amanpour on CNN explained that COVID19 is not a man-made virus. 

According to him, "COVID19 has genetic signatures of a natural virus. There is nothing man-made about it".

This statement refutes claims of conspiracy theories related to the emergence of the virus.

What do you think about his statement above. Is COVID19 truly natural or do think it is man made? Kindly add your comments below.

COVID19 comes from a family of viruses known as Corona viruses. The virus is believed to have been first contracted from a live animal market in Wuhan, China.

What do you think about his statement above. Is COVID19 truly natural or do think it is man made? Kindly add your comments below.


  1. covid19 is man made virus. It was supposed to have been developed in a lab in Atlanta and transferred to Wuhan China with proper security.
    Hence the outbrea

    1. Covid 19 is not man made. A strange monkey made it from his pee. When he was done he yelled out "piss off"

  2. She is lying that virus was a man made virus

  3. Without evidence to back up any claim that it is man made, and me not being a scientist, I cannot refute her statement that it is a natural virus.

    1. The real real evidence to back up this claim is the short Time period it has taken to discover its vacci ne as long as cancer is distroying people worldwide without any research to find vaccine about it. So why the heads of certain countries like US, France, etc are them promoting Covi19 vaccine? This is a Real evidence that covi19 is made by a group of illiminatis people.

    2. bunch of demonic people in authority.

  4. the aim of any manmade project/creation ihas always been to make it as close to reality as possible. we have cloned animals, lab grown meat etc... the Dr.'s claim is unreasonable.

  5. The Chinese say we created it and we say they did.

  6. Independent scientists who aren't conspiracy nuts have long suspected the virus was man made. The Chinese themselves ruled out the Wuhan wet market as the source.

  7. Why do we need to discuss this: it is obvious

  8. All we know is that it's here & it's stopping everyone's funds, I found how to get $1,000 every 2 months during this pandemic, just by clicking ((((( EVERYDAY ))))) on "SMART CONTRACTS", "VIDEOS" & "FREE" rolls. here is the link if you dont see the link text me at 347-997-6125 for the link. HELP IS HERE

  9. It is not man made but caused by man. Too many places are slack about hygiene and people move around much now, ie, country to country.

  10. wheather its man made or not many doctors and scientists around the world, say this virus is less dangerous than the flu. the main stream media and most politicians around the world are cpntrolled and paid up by pharma companies.stanford university scientists, european scientists even world wide doctors have spoken up that this spo called "dwadly desease" is less dangerous than the flu. the problem is fear is the most effec tive emotion to control peoples lives. 85% of the population of the world is ignorant and have no clue or common sense.there are many different covis=d virusesm the common cold is a covid. the human race have survived viruses for millenia so the powers to be that control the status quo are succsseding in destroying the world as we know it.wake up people.

  11. its all a conspiracy with who , bill gates. pharma companies.
    90% people of the world are ignorant and naive about whats going on
    fear is the killer, being stuck inside your home without fresh air is a killer.viruses dont kill you immune system kills you you fools.


  13. There is a certain number of individuals who are detaining the patent of the Covid19 which means that it's a men made virus.

    We live with viruses everyday and they are not dangerous to us but this Corona19 is being promoted by a certain number of people just to exterminate the human race. We are aware of the conspiracy.

  14. this is man made for supermacy in the world !!!

  15. You are liars if you think that COVID 19 is not manmade and put into our world by the evil,power hungry dems, leftist oligarchs. They want to ruin our economy so they can introduce a cashless society run and controlled by Globalists like evil George Soros and Eugenecist Bill Gates!

  16. The China Virus is exactly what it is...made in a lab and leaked by accident or possibly on purpose.

  17. Hard to believe after all this time, this crap article is still up.

  18. this sounds like a cult

  19. they had cure all alone what they create new income stream for the powerful drug makers

  20. It was the seasonal flu

