Sunday, June 27, 2021

Can Gun Control Legislation Actually Prevent Mass Shootings?


My thought and prayers go to the victims of mass shootings in  Atlanta, Boulder, California and..... no one knows when the next shooting will take place.

The united state among developed countries ranks highest in mass shooting incidents. Amidst this, Americans are divided over the proposal of gun control laws aimed at addressing this social epidemic.

Republican senator, Ted Cruz insists that gun control won't do anything to stop gun violence. He further added that “If you want to stop these murders, go after the murderers.”

If we go by the "Guns don't kill people, people kill people" argument, what will be the fate of the murdered after the assailant is apprehended and brought to justice? Can justice bring the dead back to life?


Citing the Atlanta shooting incident, democrat senator Richard Blumenthal of Connecticut argued that without access to a weapon, the shooter is just a racist and a misogynist.But armed with a firearm, purchased that very day, he is a monster — a mass murderer.

According to the study carried out by it was gathered that gun control laws such as background check requirements and assault weapon bans reduced the number of mass shooting in the United States by only a small amount.
And laws that remove an individual’s right to own firearms if that individual poses a risk to the community do not affect the number of mass shooting events.

Views may differ depending on individual perception; however each argument seems valid as there exists data to backup the claims above. What if we look beyond gun control legislation? What if there are other factors that can be harnessed to effectively prevent mass shootings?


  1. criminals will always get guns honest citiens should be armed

    1. That is where criminals get most of the guns they use, from parked cars or people's houses. If you are hesitant to shoot somebody you are better off unarmed as that is what you will soon be,if not dead.

  2. We have the 2nd Amendment for a reason. What an underhanded way to bypass it.

  3. There is no need for automatic or semi-automatic weapons in the hands of anyone. My children and grandchildren want to live in a society of safety... As do I.

    1. You don't understand. Semi automatic is not what you think, It means only one shot at a time, depends how often you pull the trigger. Living in la la land?

    2. How safe do you think an unarmed society is ask yourself that I know I would rather be able to protect me and my family from anybody that wants to bring harm to them. See the only publicized mass shootings on the news but you know how many times a day a person has to use their weapon to protect their family that doesn't get reported just think about that once again let's focus more on the real issue which is mental health people with mental health issues need to be able to get help and we lack that here in the United States.

    3. The number you refer to is miniscule,very small.There are more accidental discharges in the home from careless storage of a fire arm than from protecting property but that could change with the new lax gun laws when every body and anybody is armed to the teeth. How do you tell a good guy from a bad guy?

  4. Look to the World-Canada and most of Europe have strict gun control and not only Mass shooting are rare, all gun violence is much lower than the US-so are they just smarter than Americans? The 2nd Amendment had Flintlock rifles in mind,not Machine guns

    1. Maybe current gun laws should be enforced. Machine guns are already illegal, so what was that comment for? The 20nd Amendment is for two main reasons. 1st to protect us from the government being like China is. 2nd personal safety.

    2. AR-15 are weapons of war or to put it straight machine guns.The second ammendment was written to have a ready militia on hand not top over throw a sitting government.
      If you think one AR-15 and as much ammo as you can get would stand against the might of any government you are sorely mistaken. You would last ten seconds.

  5. The Government already over reaches our rights! Take away guns and they will really control us!

    1. People need to just stop listening to the propaganda that is put out their fire government they want to take away our guns because they're afraid of us being able to defend ourselves all right to own guns is the only thing keeping us safe look at what's going on right now in the government All rights are being taken every day and they will come out as way harder if we allow them to take away our second amendment rights you want to know the fact here's the fact the issue is not guns the issue is people in the United States that have mental health issues that aren't able to get help are the ones that do this acts of violence if they want to kill people even if they don't have guns they're still going to find a way to do it whether it be taking the car and driving it through a crowd of people or even just going through a crowd of people with a knife and just start stabbing random people which has been done already.

  6. If you take away guns of the good people only bad guys will have guns...leave the 2nd amendment alone

  7. Gun control is not the answer. More readily available treatment for mental issues is what is necessary. Case en point: As my doctor is a P.A. she cannot precribe my meds for bipolar disorder unless I see a psychiatrist once every 5 years, according to state laws. I spent the better part of 2 weeks, trying to find someone to see me, once, for evaluation, to satisfy this law. I was unsuccessful, so now, instead of the needed prescription, I order my medication online, as I refuse to go without it. Of course, I pay more for it this way, but with the lack of anyone who is willing to see me, I have no choice! THIS is what needs to be rectified! Guns don't kill people, people kill people. If we had stricter gun control, there are many other weapons that people could use, and they would. Many of these killers have exhibited previous behavior, in which the "red flags" were ignored. Some people are just sick, and in need of psychiatric help. Until it is made available to them, the violence will not end. You can take away any self defense from "good" people, but you will never stop "bad" people from acquiring these weapons.

  8. America will be great without guns

  9. Guns don't kill people. People kill people. As an American, I have more protection that most couldn't imagine. If I were to stop exercising my rights I would be vulnerable to criminals. If some piece of shit congressman thinks they can take away my Constitutional Rights, let them try. It's NOT going to happen

  10. All they have to do is compare stats from places with strict gun control to places that don't have them.


  12. Society has created a lot of sickness due to the trivialization of violence through the different forms of the media (films, tv, video games etc.) it might help if these things were not dumped into peoples' minds everyday. Most perps have lost control and only see the solution like it is portrayed in these different media. It might not hurt to get people back to churches and synagogues and polish up on morals just a bit. Just sayin'...

  13. Amazing how the left twists everything. Lets try enforcing our laws and make people responsible for what they do!
